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§ 1 Content Warning
The contents of this website were created with the greatest possible care. The provider of this website takes no responsibility for the precision and accuracy of the provided information. Contributions marked by name reflect the opinion of the respective author and not always the opinion of the provider.

§ 2 External links
This website contains links to third party websites (“external links”). These websites are the responsibility of the respective operators. The provider has checked the third-party content when first linking the external links to determine whether any legal violations exist. At that time, no violations were evident. The provider has no influence on the current and future design and content of the linked pages. The setting of external links does not mean that the provider accepts the content behind the reference or link. A constant control of external links is not reasonable for the provider without concrete evidence of legal violations. With knowledge of legal offenses however such external links are deleted immediately.

§ 3 Copyright
All content on the website is owned by The Intimate Revolution and can only be used outside of the website with the explicit written allowance to do so.

§ 4 Special conditions of use
Insofar as special conditions for individual uses of this website deviate from the paragraphs, this shall be expressly stated at the appropriate place. In this case, the special conditions of use apply in each individual case.





We may update our terms and conditions (“AGBs”) from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new terms and conditions on this page. You are advised to review this terms and conditions periodically for any changes. Changes to these terms and conditions are effective when they are posted on this page.



If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal data and/or applied for and/or purchased a ticket, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected personal data from children without verification of parental consent, we will take immediate steps to remove that information from our servers. In case of a purchased ticket by a minor, a ticket cancellation with full refund will be carried out. A ticket holder must not be under 18 years old.



Our contact form is provided by a third-party plugin. We may keep data from our contact form purely to respond to questions, and to keep track of future interactions with the same clients.



We are using Google Analytics and WordPress Cookies to make your experience with The Intimate Revolution website the best one possible. You can choose to not allow cookies, but then you may not be able to fully interact with the website.



We employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate our ticket purchasing system. These third parties have access to your personal data only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.


The purchase of the The Intimate Revolution festival ticket means the acceptance of the following conditions:

  • The festival is an event by the non-profit association Academy for Intimacy and Awareness with the aim to educate about Consent and counteract loneliness by opening a space for connection and emotional intimacy and is primarily organized for and by its members.
  • A ticket holder may not be under the age of 18 years. In case of a purchased ticket by a minor, a ticket cancellation with full refund will be carried out immediately.
  • The ticket holder is fully responsible for their psychological and physical wellbeing and health. The participation in the festival is at the ticket holders full own risk, and no insurance claims can be made resulting from any damage occurring during the festival.
  • In the case that the festival is cancelled, either a full refund will be given to ticket holders or the ticket holder can opt for a voucher with the same price. 
  • Until two weeks before the festival, you have the right to receive a full refund for the ticket. Beyond that time, the following refund policy applies: 
    • 100% refund of the ticket price until the 31th day before the festival starts (so: start date of event – 30 days)
    • 50% refund of the ticket price until the 15th day before the festival (so: start date of event – 14 days)
    • no refund of the ticket price fourteen or fewer days before the event starts
    • In order to receive a refund, the ticket holder must reach out to the organizers via – the date of the e-mail will count as the day for calculating the refund.
    • The refund will come into effect through the payment method used for the purchase of the ticket.


If you have an account on this site, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

According to GDPR, the following rights are guaranteed to you and any other user of our service (“data subject”):


  • The right to be informed; This means anyone processing your personal data must make clear what they are processing, why, and who else the data may be passed to.
  • The right of access; this is your right to see what data is held about you by a Data Controller.
  • The right to rectification; the right to have your data corrected or amended if what is held is incorrect in some way.
  • The right to erasure; under certain circumstances you can ask for your personal data to be deleted. This is also called ‘the Right to be Forgotten’. This would apply if the personal data is no longer required for the purposes it was collected for, or your consent for the processing of that data has been withdrawn, or the personal data has been unlawfully processed.
  • The right to restrict processing; this gives the Data Subject the right to ask for a temporary halt to processing of personal data, such as in the case where a dispute or legal case has to be concluded, or the data is being corrected.



To gain entrance to the festival, you must show any valid identification document (ID, Passport or Driving License) at the registration in order to receive your ticket. The organisation has the right to deny entrance or expel any ticket holder in the following circumstances:


  • Any ticket holder will be held responsible to interact with people within the festival with consent. If consent is violated, the harming person may be asked to leave.
  • Sexual harassment and/or abuse will not be tolerated and will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law.
  • Any ticket holder who displays violent behaviour or publicly incites hate/prejudice on the basis of race, sex, religion, opinion, handicap, sexual orientation, gender or any other social/personal condition and/or circumstance will be immediately expelled and reported to authorities.
  • Any ticket holder who is intoxicated with legal and/ or illegal substances will be asked to sober out in a secluded area. If this behaviour happens for a second time the ticket holder will have to leave the premises of the festival.
  • Any ticket holder who refuses to comply with instructions given by the organisation team and creates a a situation of risk for themselves and/or others will be immediately expelled from the premises. Any damage or injury caused will be their responsibility and will be dealt with legally.
  • All intellectual property and image rights are reserved.
  • Filming, recording or taking pictures within the festival without explicit consent of all documented parties is not permitted, except by authorisation of the team of The Intimate Revolution in designated areas only.


For any more questions or information, please check The Intimate Revolution website and especially the FAQs. For workshop facilitators, performers and/or organizers interested in working together, please use the contact form available on the website.


If there are any open questions, we are happy to answer them. Please reach out to us through contact (@) Let’s make this world a better place!